Driving while on a mobile phone concept

November 5, 2009

These are three billboard posters I have designed for my awareness campaign against driving while on a mobile phone. I have produced three to show that my idea works. I have used three images of a woman, man, and a little boy who are all members of a family. The idea behind these posters is to produce big shocking but also sad imagery with a strong title that rhymes that will help you remember the advert.

This is a storyboard I created for an awareness campaign against the dangers of using a mobile while driving. I thought of not using drink driving because it has been over done and the shock tactics for this are not as scary as they used to be. This storyboard is for a TV advert and it will consist of a paragraph in the centre of the black screen throughout. It is silent so it will really get the viewers attention as the sentences slowly develops into a paragraph. The clever part about this storyboard is the sentences makes sense throughout. The last screen with the paragraph complete has the sound of a car crashing. The final screen has a voice over saying “Think…Don’t use your mobile while driving.”

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